One Step HCG Urine Pregnancy Beetest Lux cassette
• Determines pregnancy on day 7 from the moment of conception in less than 5 minutes according to the level of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) in the urine
• Available in the form of:
- strips (width 3.5 mm)
- cassette test (strip width 3 mm)
- midstream stick (strip width 6 mm)
• Sensitivity - 10 mIU/mLInstruction for use
Designed for the early detection of pregnancy from the first days of delaying menstruation
Storage conditions
Store at temperature of 4-30 ° C away from sunlight, humidity and heat sources. Do not freeze.
Shelf life
3 years
Dispensing conditions
over the counter
Manufactured in China
Meets the requirements EN 13532:2002
Has СЕ0123Package
Original package: - полоски - 5000 pcs. (Intermediate packaging - 100 pcs) - кассетного теста - 560 pcs. - струйного теста - 528 pcs.
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