Surgical suture Biokeen® polipropilene monophilament, syntetic, nonabsorbable, sterile, disposable, colored (blue), with or without different types and forms of atraumatic needles
It is a high-quality non-absorbable polymer material with a specially treated surface. The surface of the product is smooth and flexible, does not have a negative effect on the human body.
The needles are made of stainless, corrosion-resistant steel, with various degrees of curvature, lengths, different cross-sectional profiles and sharpening of the point. The thread has a low coefficient of friction, holds the knot well and retains a long-term tensile force during implantation in the tissue. The thread does not absorb in the body, does not undergo changes in tissues, has a high inertness and is not involved in the infectious process.Composition
The product is pre-cut and is packed separately or in combination with one or two atraumatic needle before sterilization
Instruction for use
For the imposition of surgical sutures and ligatures during various surgical procedures.
Storage conditions
Store at temperature from -5°С to 25°С relative humidity not more than 80%.
Shelf life
5 years
Dispensing conditions
без рецепта врача
Manufactured in the certified factory according to international quality standard ISO13485 in People's Republic of China