Aneroid Sphygmomanometer with Stethoscope Biopress® Aneroid model BL-ASM-3 (Palm 120)

  • Description

    Technical information: the indication range - 0-300mmHg, the measurement range - 60 / 300mmHg, the scale division - 2mmHg, the limits of the basic absolute error at an ambient temperature of 20 ± 5 ° C in mm Hg. in the measurement range from 60 to 240 mm Hg. - ± 3, in the measurement range from 240 to 300 mm Hg. - ± 4, additional error in measuring of the instrument at an ambient temperature different from (20 ± 5) ° С in the operating temperature range from + 5 ° С to + 45 ° С,% of the upper limit of measurements no more than ± kx (t20-t1 ), where: k - temperature coefficient equal to 0.06% ° C; t20 - ambient temperature equal to (20 ± 5) ° С; t1 - any temperature value corresponding to the operating conditions, Speed of air pressure reduction in the pneumatic system, mmHg. - 3 ± 2.

  • Instruction for use

    It is intended for indirect determination of systolic and diastolicblood pressure by measuring the excess pressure in the cuff at the time of appearance and disappearance of Korotkoff's sounds

  • Storage conditions

    Store at temperature of -5 to + 40 ° C

  • Shelf life

    7 years

  • Dispensing conditions

    over the counter

  • Manufacturer


  • Package

    Original package - 24 pcs.

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